No, I am not offending anyone... This is just a motionless avatar, which was textured and lies inmobile as a dummy, without any movement of any kind (not even a blink).

This product has all the features of my Perfect Male Avatar, with the difference that all default animations were removed from him, and it has an overall 20 degree color to simulate a mannequin's texture. With this product you can convert your own avatar into an static dummy to make nice display pictures of your products (if you are a developer) just like the ones on real life boutiques, to have fun with others, or you can derive from it and create your own Dummy Avatar products.

You can find the female version of this avatar HERE.

1. This avatar has (as all avatars derived from the IMVU Male Avatar (Product ID: 191) a few compatibility issues with some stances and actions embedded in rooms and locked rooms. Please click HERE for more information on this issue.
2. This is a General Audiience product. Ahtough you may not see any baggy pants on the avatar, he has a tight pants mesh that covers the pelvic area. So have in mind this if you plan to use the avatar to display skins (you may need to wear some shorts or a bikini in order to show more skin from this area). Please view the product images of the one I derived it from by clicking HERE, or Try before you buy with a skin on to check this out.
3. This avatar has no motion, it will stand still or sit still wherever you put it without any changes in mobility. You can use other Developer pose or action products (see No. 1 above) to put him however you want.
If interested in using the default avatar poses with this avatar for snapshooting, please check out the following product:

CdL Posable Male Actions CdL Posable Male Actions

Products by Clair De Lune

If you are interested in buying your avatar name, try-it passes or credits at great rates, go to by clicking the banner below:

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Visit Perlu's Boutique by clicking HERE!

Products By SuccubiX

XxXavier's IMVU Catalog Products