This is a motorised hang glider or 'nanolight' aircraft which actually flies when the front seat is occupied by an avatar. Capable of seating 2 people at once. This nanolight has been completely re-textured from the original and features simulated carbon fibre, funky skateboard wheels, translucent wing fabric, and realistic spinning propeller. Flies very high... requires a large room. It works really well with my Tropical Island 01 (item 14716946) and Salt Lake (item 14766255). No triggers required. Other colours available.

Nanolight Blue
Note the translucent wings.

Nanolight Blue 03

Nanolight Blue 02
Even the propeller blade glints in the sun!

Nanolight Blue 01
Every single texture has been completely re-done. Realistic carbon fibre to the correct scale. Subtle lighting and reflections. Realistic animated propeller complete with glinting blades! Funky skate-board-style wheels.

Nanolight shadow 02
A shadow module is now available for this Nanolight which is sold separately. For details see item 14820857.