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Victorian Science Dimensional Portal

It was a age of discovery, an age of engineering and of science when Dr. D.I. Wells discovered Incanticity, the magical power source used for his incredible inventions. This is a copy of the worlds Scientific Dimension Gate.

Product type Furniture
Animated Textures and rings move
Known Issues

The usual problem with items disappearing inside the sphere due to the use of opacity. Typically your Avi will go bald inside and any clothing featuring detailed opacity mapping with blending switched on will disappear

Custom poses

A floaing pose is available inside the portal

Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Vertex shading: I have attempted to add some shadows and wear to this mesh using vertex shading. You can switch this on and off as you like on any material just check the box in previewer as explained here. This adds more flexibility to the range.

Material Description Size
M00 Outside panel 128x256
M01 Inside panel 128x256
M02 Outa sphere + op map 512x256
M03 Inna sphere + op map 512x256
M04 Rail + op map 128x128
M05 Inna Ring 128x128
M06 Outa Ring 128x128
M07 Shadow + op map 256x256
Texture size is more for ratio than actual size used

You can use any of the materials I have used in this project, but only with this product.

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