Climb aboard the spaceship Pheonix and load up your friends, furniture, animals, plants, and you will realy transport them all to the moon / mars or neptune, you will also fly through the rings of saturn to go in orbit above jupitor between the moons ioa and europa where you can party for almost an hour on board ship, also includes the moon and mars very own transporter to hop from room to room effortlessly. The Phoenix will dock on the moon, mars and neptune for about 5 minutes which should be plenty of time to unload your cargo, if not just retype your location and await the pheonix return. There is incredible detail in this scene which took months to make. Can you save the last remnants of Earth and be the saviour of mankind !!

Who else can make a whole universe including animations at under 550 kb's but little0devil :)

Trigger words for pheonix = moonbase, marsbase, neptunebase, jupiterbase, earth.

Triggers for moon transporter = mo1, mo2, mo3, mo4.

Triggers for mars transprter = ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4 .


When we first met, we knew not what was instore

the long winding road ahead wavered of into the moonlit night

stars burning brightly, as clouds drifted silently by, hardly noticed

we started our journey as have many

taking the sharp turns and twists of fate

bridges to cross as yet unseen

holding hands with a touch so tender

gazing into sparkling eyes that dream forever

so begins the exodus of the hopeful on the Pheonix.

For man had finaly caused his own armagedon !!

Man's armagedon wasn't a war of weapons, mans greed had raped, destroyed and polluted all the earths resorces to such an extent that the extinction of all life on Earth was inevitable.

Nature struck back at man with unprecidented ferocity. Due to global warming, air, land and sea pollution the polar ice caps desintigrated. Hurricanes like never before seen ravaged the Earth, tsunami's 2000 feet high hit every shore worldwide, whole continents where wiped out in days, born of unimaginable storms hailstones the size of small rocks decimated entirely the higher lands and pestilence ravaged mankind almost to oblivion.

In the begining Noah created the Ark, now humankinds only hope is the "Pheonix".

The pheonix is today's Ark, a space transport ship placed high in orbit above the Earth. As captain of the Pheonix your mission is to transport your cargo of the few remaing survivors which consists of human, animal and plant life to colonise other worlds. Far sighted scientists and humanitarians secretly built and placed self sufficient bases on various planets. Your mission priority is to colonise earths moon first, then Mars and Neptune, Neptune is a water planet and the only hope for any surviving marine life

Save what you can before it's to late !!.LD.