Looking for a quality backpack useful for anything from simple daily activities in town to grand adventures in the wilds?

Then this is the quality backpack for you.

This backpack -- derived from "(A) Back Pack Bag" by "DarkAngel5" -- is made of matte black leather which holds little to no sheen, making it ideal for matching most outfits (and useful perhaps for more questionable "shadowy" activities). The primary pouch is securely strapped in-place with a dim gold/brass buckle, while both smaller pouches are firmly fastened with the same dim gold/brass style buttons, providing a sense of subtle refinement (and better ensuring not to catch the unwanted watchful eye).

Designed to fit most any situation, this is not a backpack easily done without. Be sure to buy yours today.

[Product Info: Male & Female Compatible (Though fitted to the male form); Found in "Accessories" under "Clothes - Men" in your inventory]

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