Derivable shop sign... Enseigne derivable

Easy to derive shop sign. It stands on two posts and comes with a standing pose facing it... (you can add your own custom pose if you wish)
Just write anything you want, from the name of your hospital to the name of your boutique, as long as it stands in a simple rectangle (128x64 is best) it will work wonderfully... The colors are the signature colors of French Post office "La Poste" which I have jokingly renamed "La Peste". (I'm a French-Caribbean creator after all...)This was made to match my mall located in the French West-indies, which houses a French Peste-office (lol, I meant Post-office). Browse the imvu catalog or my products for more retail furniture.This was made to match my French post-office located in my Centre commercial La Fontaine and will match any shop doorway from LestatDelioncourt's acclaimed IMVU Main Mall
For a limited time only, customers buying the Centre commercial La Fontaine can claim this shop sign or a customized version of this shop sign for free by sending me a homepage message specifying the color of the sign, wether or not they want any specific symbol on it and the name of the shop that they want written on it.... Offer ends soon....

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Cette enseigne derivable est aux couleurs des services postaux Français que j'ai rebaptisés avec humour "La Peste". Vous pouvez la placer presque partout, dans la rue, sur la plage, dans un centre commercial... Prévue pour s'intégrer à mon centre commercial, elle est l'atout indispensable des francophiles. Essayez avant d'acheter et laissez un commentaire !

Attention, toute personne achetant le centre commercial La Fontaine peut recevoir une enseigne personnalisee ou cette enseigne pour bureau de poste en la reclamant par message sur ma page. Precisez la couleur du panneau, l'inscription et eventuels motifs à inclure. Offre limitee dans le temps... ***********************************
Autres produits DCC dans l'image :
In the picture below, other DCC products are displayed so browse my catalog for:
Centre commercial LDP (mall)

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