Santa Bunny
The Jackalopes Rule Series #1
Added to the Collection on 12/21/07

Sometimes, friends, a grrl has just gotta have fun ;) And guys too! Introducing the most fabulous series ever imagined: The Jackalopes Rule Series. This series is dedicated to my good friend Sha Djinian, a real life jackalope rancher... okay, rabbit rancher, but close enough.

This adorable pet goes with you everywhere. He was meshed beautifully by the talented VinMan1138 with obvious care. We added a real little knit sweater and real cotton ball collar. Oh! And did I mention the matching knit hat with cotton trim? And the booties on all four little hoppers? Yep. We have it all.

Santa Bunny is golden and brown (like all real jackalopes) but other jackalopes in the series will be varied. Collect them all because trust me, darling, this is just the beginning.

All jackalopes are animated and respond to these triggers: yes, no, sniff, look and dance (which makes him or her shake that puff ball tail!).

All credits earned from the sale of this item go to support the Mardi Gras 3000 gaming community, an inclusive community that welcomes all.The Jackalopes Rule Series #1

Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.