The YoYo as a Cookie!
A special collection of five unique YoYo with original textures.
Contains 8 trigwords that are: y, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y10, y20, y100 (numbers of play!)
This one is crafted for man, if you want to see more please follow these link.
Male YoYo derived in the catalogue and Female YoYo derived in the catalogue
Be sure to try it before you buy it, because replace your hands.
And for a special Pose Pack please see this item!

If you like this product and you want one personalized for yourself, ask your favorite developer
to make one for you, or just send me a PM and i contact you soon for the details!
Buy credit from IMVULOVE!
You support me and other cool developer to continue making new contents for you!