Link Widget [DV] Customizable by txt

First - Derive from this product
1- open assets
2-create new document text in this folder myurl.txt
3-Save document myurl.txt in assets folder
4- Apply changes, save and upload
5-Sintaxis: link;data2;data3;data4;

Some Examples:;Cerbynikus Store;Found some derivables; Hi pal, I hope you find some usefull here. Press ok button to visit my store; Copyright 2012 - Cerbynikus
imvu:DeriveProduct?product_id=13887680;Link Widget [DV];Just a test;what you like here;debugger
imvu:JoinPublicRoom?room_instance_id=88805744-289;Cerbynikus Room;La entrada es gratis;press ok and go to my room =);
Data4 is empty here, so show nothing in textfield

if you put just a link in myurl.txt it works, if you put an empty myurl.txt file, ok doesnt work
Note: url appears below the button to prevent bad use

I hope you enjoy it and use properly ^^.