Okay everyone :D So if you know "GamerAngel" products you know that all the products I texture are for the Mardi Gras 3000 universe. This is the universe where punk Terrapyres and brilliant Celestials battle for the Holy Grail. The trading card game based in the MG3K universe is published by Immortal Day Publishing and the operating system the TCG runs on is the fabulous system designed by Jennifer DiMarco, who also owns the publishing house.

Whew! That was a long story to get around to this: Jennifer has two great kids -- eight-year-old published graphic novelist Maxwell and utterly tricky and adorable five-year-old Faith. I want Maxwell and Faith to like me because it's always a good idea for your publisher's kids to like you :D

This weekend, Faith and I decided to do some deriving together. She created a universe (just like I created MG3K) called Nene Universe. It's full of tricky adorable creatures called Nenes. Here is Faith's first design. The Christmas Baby Nene Shirt :) All credits earned from the sales of this shirt will be used to buy Faith's avatar shoes... uh, because, you know, she's a Grrl who LOVES shoes! :) Click on the tee shirt graphic below to visit Faith's website and tell her how cool she is. (I mean, come on, how many other five-year-olds even know what "derive" means?!)

The Christmas Baby Nene Shirt made by 


Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.