Club Effect System

This can be worn by female or male avatars.

Its a triggered 4 particle effect show

Main trigger word is: woohoo

Individual triggers are: club1 , club2 , club3 , club4

This effect has red balloons with the word club on them, its really made for developers but will function as a separate product too.. try before you buy, open in try it window and type in: woohoo

If you trigger an effect and it does not go away.. just trigger it again and it will disappear after running again, nfi why, weird IMVU glitch number 99509876, staff have been notified, hopefully they will fix.

I have made this more for people to derive from than purchase, the effects I have built in are ok, but I'm hoping those derived are much better. Try on before you buy!

Developers this system is derivable, 4 separately triggerable particle effects or just pop them all off at once with one trigger word! Awesome Fun and AWESOME sellers!

This system is designed to be SUPER SIMPLE if you want something more complex I have two other versions of this Male and Female, reality is product will work with either , separate versions are just for catalogue placement,

Guide To Deriving Particles

First I need to warn you that IMVU particles are in alpha, they can and do change. If IMVU breaks something, then it's me that has to fix it, I have had NO issues doing this for the past 3 years of working with particles, BUT if they break so I can't fix.. your products going to break too. And that is a risk that YOU carry deriving from this product. Particles are NOT supported by IMVU, they are an experimental alpha product... for nearly 5 years hehe.

Here's something's you need to know

  1. You don't need to be an expert to make particles but you do need to know how to use the client and a graphics program.

  2. Particles do not use .jpg or .gif files, they use .png images only.

  3. Particle images are not added to the client like normal textures, its easier! we just drag and drop them in the clients assts folders and hit apply.

  4. Your particle images need to be named exactly the same as mine or they wont work! This product just uses one particle called : particle.png

  5. Particle images don't have a back ground.

  6. Particles DO NOT use opacity like normal images. If your particle graphic is seethru.. then it will be seethru in the client.

  7. Particle images are square 128x128 is the most common size I make mine, smaller.. is better!

Beginners Start Here

This system has 4 effects that use one image ( particle.png )

Each effect uses the same image, you can change this image by making your own, naming it the same as mine and dragging it into the assets folder. I suggest you open your graphics program, make a 128x128 image, Put like a lil star in the middle and then add an outer glow to that, Don't save with any background.. just the image part you make

If you want some more particles I have made download these.

If you use my particles they need to be renamed

particle name used in this derive is


How To Add Particles

Adding particles is simple. Click derive from this product and let the client open.

  • Click on the assets folder to open, it will be empty.

  • Drag and drop your new .png file to it ( name hase to be exactly the same as mesh: particle.png

  • Click Apply... Product finished!

  • Make sure your in a slightly dark room, white basic ones no good type in the main trigger:  woohoo  :into the chat window where your avatar is and press enter, effect should go off showing your new graphics! Save and submit.

Trigger Words

If you want to add a new mass trigger I suggest just leaving mine there and adding another on the end, it will have a comma first and then your trigger

if you look in the actions tab you will see the first effect I have this as the trigger


just add yours on the end so it looks like this


Every time you make a change, add a new word, YOU MUST HIT APPLY.

you can use any word using letters and numbers, no spaces, no funky characters, a simple, easy to remember word is best, and don't forget to write it on your product page so people know what it is.