Are you too hot for normal clubs? Maybe you need some cooler place to spend your nights!! The Arctic Ice Club is just what your looking for!! It is situated in the middle of a frozen lake with snowy mountains around it. Most of it is made of ice blocks, cold glittery matter and starry sky illusion tiles. Take a look:

As you can see there are some discolights attached in the ceiling, the rest of the ceiling is covered in blue starfields and nebulas. The dancefloor is made of blue brick tiles because ice would be quite hard to dance on. There are huge blocks of ice at the sides of the dancefloor to cool the sweatiest dancers ;) take a look at the entrance:

As you can see there's an icy hallway pictured in the entrance, also your club has a shiny luxurious logo!! Fit for dancing queens en kings !! A club like this can surely not come without furniture, the onces you see below are not included in the room, but are sold seperately in my catalog, more is to come!!

Click HERE if you want more from my Arctic Ice line!