This is the derivable Version of my Anime Action Scene.

Here some tips:

The texture is rather easy to produce. As basis you can just use some noise. The size of the texture influences the lines. The height influences how sharp the lines become. I used 512px most of the time, which makes sharp thin lines, if you use one pixel dots. You can also pixelate your image (make "pixels" that are bigger than one pixel) and get sharp lines that are thicker.
The width of your texture influences the speed and the length of the lines. Just play around and see how it changes.

Noise ist just the starting point. Play with gradients, soften and other effects. You can also try a picture of Winston Churchill, if you like (and have the copyright).

If you don't like the speed of the animation you can also change the animation values. By using a negative x value you can also reverse the direction.

Another important thing are the settings for ambient light and fog. Especially the settings for fog (color and distances) are important here.

You MUST NOT make your derived version derivable. Please do not forget to turn off "derivable".