Imagine what it would be like to be stranded and surrounded an angry tornado. Enter this animated group of islands while a tornado circles ferociously all around you. Watch the waves as they tumble toward the shore. This room is perfect for adding your own home but I would suggest a strong well-made home that can withstand a strong tornado. There is plenty of room to make this room whatever you want it to be. This room is for the brave storm chasers out there. Enjoy!
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I highly recommend another developer's product to go with this room to make the tornado experience very real. Developer TheOneWithoutNick has a wonderful fx item that is awesome with this room. It is called {T}fx Storm Sounds and it has 3 thunder sounds, 1 rain sound and 3 wind sounds that you can play all at once and it is quite an experience between hearing the fierce sounds and seeing the winds and water hurl around. I lived through over 15 hurricanes in Florida and many tornadoes in tornado alley and have chased a storm or two. This is as real as virtual reality can get.