The animated "Anti-Gravity Sphere"

The Anti-Gravity Sphere is an Orb that has a spinning center
core, surrounded by a swirling aura. It hovers above a small pyramid
on the tabletop. Visible energy travels up the pyramid's sides and charges
the sphere. When it has enough energy stored, it floats up and hovers for a
few seconds. As energy is used, the entire orb drifts back down toward the pyramid
to recharge and begin the cycle again.

The footrest near the bottom of the table works on the same energy field
technology. It hovers permanantly in position, a solid center core ring
surrounded by a swirling aura.

The glasses and seating are part of the table.

You can see all of the animations on this awesome table in action by watching
the video below. The table in the video was a prototype, so the colors will not be
the same as in the picture above. The animated parts are the same though.

Developers can find the derivable version of this table by clicking this icon.

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