You enter dark realms,and all around you, is nothing but war, and death. You stand ready, beads of sweat dripping down, your forehead stinging your eyes, as you cough against the smoke and fire of burning flesh, metal, and what was once lush green pasture. Before you, is only one exit, through a mass of rabid, battle hungry demons. This is the MALE VERSION ONLY Derived by LordDrizzt You grab ahold of the mighty steel in your hands, and attack, fast, quickly, efficiently, slaying as you pour through the horde, fighting for your very life, can you break free? These weapons in your steady skilled hands, you just might see the light of the next day.... With sound effect, hot keyed for faster easier strike! s - sheath - d - draw - w or 9 - 1 - Unsheathed Attack Back - 2 - Unsheathed Attack Front - 3 - Unsheathed Attack Left - 4 - Unsheathed Attack Right - 5 - Sheathed Attack Back - 6 - Sheathed Attack Front - 7 - Sheathed Attack Left - 8 - Sheathed Attack Right - a or 0-
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