This is the 2nd Ver of the Dragon Dream Pad But in Blue

If you have bought the Dragon Dream Pad you gotta have this one as well

As you all know,you will see some stuff that you already seen in my other Pads

Like the sink and TV and the hot tub from Venus Pas and the TV from the

Hunny Moon Pad the same with the Bed but in differnt color

The textures are my own and I made them,and the art on the TV screen

Are from my Aunts,as you can see alote of people stole her art work and called

them as there own,to those who stole her work and mine,

I will not Put up with art theves eather does IMVU

Please any questions about my textures that I make Please stop by

my home page ok,Also I will be only selling 25 of these rooms,

Please be one of the lucky people out of 25 to buy this Beautiful room

Also I messed around with the lighting for this room so your avatar will have a

Blue tint to him or her,But every thing looks great,

Thank you for buy ing this room

Enjoy the slide Show