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SDR Welcome Mat Radio - UPDATED

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See Derived!

Welcome mat mesh featuring the latest version of the Byte3d flash radio. See Byte3d's radio page for flash player customizations.

Attention Creators

This product was updated to the new NetRadioV2 from Byte3D as test of product override feature in create mode - unfortunately this does not work as well as expected and this product will be the limit of this attempt to update all derivable meshes in my catalog. I will be providing new derives of older meshes that can be used to perform overrides of existing radios so creators can override update older radios with the newer player at their own discretion.

Reported Method with No Charge

Its been reported just editing the existing derived product and putting the textures back works also. Try this first since there is no cost to doing this.

Second Method

The good news is current derives can be repaired by following these steps

  1. Locate your original textures for your original mat derive. One method to get your original textures is to edit your existing product - it will not look correct (Don't Panic) - select the folder with the arrow on it to view the assets of your existing product in a folder. You will see your original textures and can source them from that folder location.
  2. Go to your product page and copy the product page HTML code to a safe location (e.g. notepad).
  3. Copy the product PID to a safe location.
  4. Start a new derive of this product by clicking "derive from this product".
  5. Apply your previous product textures.
  6. Save your derive.
  7. Click upload.
  8. On the upload dialog - click on step 8 "Product Override".
  9. Enter in your original derived radio mat product id.
  10. Set profit to 0 (temporarily).
  11. Submit and accept override.
  12. Edit the product page and put your HTML Code back in (Warning: if you didn't save your html code - you just lost it.)
  13. Set your profit.
  14. Clear cache.
  15. Test product.
  16. Let customers know that they need to clear cache to use the updated mat with the new sync features


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    spotter design concepts

    BG Designz