DERIVABLE Cannonballs!

Yes, the cannonballs are PINK!

This product is not intended for retail sale.

It is intended for developers to derive from.

If you buy these, and are not happy with your


don't come to me asking for a refund.


Lots of people have pirate ships, and most of them have a deck cannon....

But what good is a cannon if you got no balls???

This stack of cannonballs is surrounded by wooden blocks to keep them from
rolling around and getting lost overboard.

Very easy to derive from, only 2 textures to worry about.

Terms Of Use

By deriving this item you agree to the following terms:
1. Use your own textures.
2. Double check - make sure your item is NOT derivable when you submit.
3. Rate your item correctly according to IMVU's "Virtual Goods Rating Policy".
4. Do not, under any circumstances, attach any copyrighted music to this item.

Any breach of the above terms (especially #4) will result in a takedown of your item.

Thanks for considering deriving, or at least for looking. :)

Please be sure to check out my other products by clicking on my banner.

Derivables by Dan142

Products by Dan 142

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