This Altar Goddess Candle is used to represent your goddess. The Maid, Mother, Crone is an ancient symbol representing the 3 phases of an womans life. The waxed crescent that goes from New Moon to Full moon is the Maiden stage that shows young virginal at the beginning of her life. The full moon represents the mother aspect during her fruitful years; pregnant with new life. The waning crescent that goes from full moon to New Moon represents the Crone of Wise Woman stage. Although her time on earth is waning, she is full of wisdom to pass on to the next generation. This luminary symbol upon the Altar Goddess Candle is a popular symbol used in wiccan cultures that is interchangeable. Use this Altar Goddess Candle to honor your goddess during your traditions. This candle opens the gateways into a deeper reality when you light it, you see beyond it and into the divineness of the goddess herself. Celebrate her divineness using this Altar Goddess Candle. Enjoy & use as you please! -RD-