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Found in some distant glacier, in some distant land. Now brought to you by DarkRainProductions...the Jester Ice Reaver. For when you just want to look bada-- without a full outfit change, or you can wield it with your favorite armor, or maybe someone is giving you a hard time, and you needed the perfect attitude re-adjuster...this is it. *Warning: Avoid rapid grabbing of handle of this weapon, as it may result in high medical costs, the purchasing of new gloves, loss of the entire hand. May include some side effects such as: Attacking random bystanders, constant gawking with awe at the illumnitated weapon in dark areas, the lack of using other eating utensils, the urge for one-manned global conquering...if problems occur...please seek mental theraphy immediately. Commands: Reap, RP, Harvest, HV Thanks to MaxSmoke777 for the mesh.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket