8 Xtreme Hero Actions MALE

Trigger "burn" - Forms a fireball and throws it
Trigger "dazzle" - Surrounds you with a shield of dazzling lights
Trigger "fireworks" - Forms a star and surrounds you with animated fireworks
Trigger "freeze!" - Forms an ice crystal and shoots a freezing beam
Trigger "stun" - Surrounds you with electric fields
Trigger "toast" - Shoots a blast of electric waves
Trigger "tornado" - Surrounds you with a tornado
Trigger "trick" - Confuses your enemy with a shiny visual illusion
Trigger "shield" - Protects you with a wall of ice

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Sethro LSoH BJTK

The Little Shop of Horrors
Horror, SciFi, Fantasy, Gaming, Cyberpunk, Cosplay, Roleplay

BJTK Sethro Celeste Chainsaw Darth DK1981 Dutch Lance HLS KimberlyJo LOL
hazel OnyxMoth Mousemaiden Nyrisse Sin Sith Sintek Urteil Victoria Marisa OnyxMoth

AngelusMortis KingRalf Ecamer witchdollie Rhiannanne Mermaidnchains Dnutt BoogyMon BFX DC
