destroy reality

this maggot is a slithering, mucus covered, slime drenched, disgustingly horrible creature.
it makes the most detestable noises!
trigger words are, thrash, hiss, thrashloop, and slerp.
slerp is a most foul and offensive noise. quite nausiating. try it on.
(for the full effect of wrything, set your avatar into the "groovin" mood.)
this is not an entire avatar, only bottoms.
you need to have an invisible avatar to appear as just the worm.

-refer to catalog icon for product description.
-always try my items before you buy them.
-no refunds will be given under any circumstance.
-this is for the MALE avatar.

an invisible avatar can be found here
where is it?.

contact xmilkx milk shop the collection

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