Samhain (October 31st):

Samhain is a time to remember those who have left us. This is a time to remember our ancestors, both ancient and wise. This is the time when the barriers between our world and the next become blurred, and those from the other side are free to visit our world, as well as guide us.
It is also the time when the Witches and Wiccans say goodbye to the god. Though this temporary as the God gets ready to be reborn from the Goddess.
This is a time for reflection, to look back over the past year. A time to come to terms with the one great phenomenon of life in which we have no control of – Death.
The year starts with Samhain, for it is in the dark half of the year. The great Druids believed that the day began with the setting of the sun; therefore, the dark half of the year is the beginning. New Years resolutions are made on Samhain.