Red Leather & Black

Camp Fire Table with 6 poses

And animated fire on the table...

BBQ time.....For a good meal and a good chat with your friends...

You can place this inside or outside in the garden.....

redleatherfiretablepic1.jpg picture by Mutssss

redleatherfiretablepic3.jpg picture by Mutssss

redleatherfiretablepic2.jpg picture by Mutssss

Matching Furniture or the room Casle of Hope....

You can find here or in my catalog...Click on the icons for more pics...

[my]Red Leather Couche  [my]Red Leather Bar  [my]Red Leather Chair  [my]Red leather FireLamp

[my]Red leather Table  [my]Red Leather Fun Bed  [my]RedLeather FirePlace  [my]Red Leather Platform

[my]Red Leather Plant  [my]Castle Of Love

The bundle for this room you can find in my catalog...You get discount....

redleatherfiretablepic4.jpg picture by Mutssss

