Space Trans Device (ANI) has been slightly changed/modified to not conflict with any and or all copyrights. It is based on my own fan based stories.


Explanation of price:
Product price: 950
Your breakeven price is 750cr, Set the price higher to earn credits on each sale.
*Final retail price in catalog will be 10% greater

As you can see the derivation price was 750 order for me to make any credits at all I had to set it higher so I raised it by 200 credits...THAT'S ALL I WILL MAKE OFF OF THIS PRODUCTS IS THE 200 CREDITS...IMVU raised it another 10% which THEY KEEP. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience.

Item is fairly large so use controls to scale it down if you will cause your avatar to shrink with it! (LOL)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket