"...the pit itself was built out of blocked stone, stacked and piled tightly without need of mortar. The walls and floor were covered in lichen and filth, a testiment to the terror lurking in it's depths. The creature itself lay dormant, if it were aware of our presnce there then surely it made no note of it. Menath moved swiftly and began the rites of banishment, he was half way through when the face of chance turned away from our favours and the writhing arms of the beast consumed fully a third of our party before we could even act!
~URZU the Chronicler"
Excerpt from:'The Journey of Dran'; Thirty fourth book of URZU

This is a dank and dark pit, marked and stained by terror and time. With custom seats, numerous furniture nodes, and a monsterous secret this is a perfect scene for anyone seeking the dark, mysterious, and macabre!

Call forth the monster of the pit with ancient words of power, their meanings have been lost but their power remains!
Yetzhragog: command the beast to rise
Evinalith: command the beast to show itself
ianeth: the beast reactes wildly!