[Drv] Mech Vehicle Cheryle

oOKabbyOo. Better Products.

[Drv] Mech Vehicle

1 Pose
Basic Sitting Pose: 1

Easy to Derive!
No Awkward Unwrap Maps!
No Clumsy Opacity Maps!

Optimal Texture Dimensions
number object dimensions
m00 chrome 256x256
m01 [not used]
m02 body 256x256
m03 [not used]
m04 seat 256x512
m05 accessories 256x256
m06 glass 256x256
m07 - m08 [not used]
m09 baffle 256x512
m10 [not used]
m11 lens 256x256
m12 lamps 256x256
m11 lens 256x256
m12 - m16 [not used]
m17 weapons 256x256
m18 - m26 [not used]
m27 barrels 64x512
m28 - m39 [not used]
m40 leg joints 256x256
m41 - m50 [not used]
m51 leg backs 256x512
m52 feet 64x64
m53 leg fronts 256x512

[Drv] Mech

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