MMK's Frost Wrath Gloves

Inspired by my adoration for the one and only summon of my dreams, and Miss AnnaSassin's Ice skin, these gloves are distinctly created to match my Ice Goddess ensemble. Though the base oceanic blue wraps are very much alike on both the left and right arm, the left is far more distinct in presentation. Each glove is created with silken blue wraps that reach around the wrist and radial center arm beneath the elbow. A bright teal metallic ring holds the upper braided bands together while additional pearlescent strands extend in an angular, cathedral like arch upwards. The wraps extend over the frontal portion of each hand between the middle and ring fingers, though the right hand also includes additional straps around these two fingers themselves. The left arm boasts gauntlet like crystal shards in a variety of shimmering shades; ranging from a luminescent aquamarine to a more deeply shaded cerulean blue. These frosted ice pieces reach around the wrap of the hand and extend farther along the arm for added strength and beauty. The final touch to the left glove features a brilliant diamond amidst the center hand wrap, between each sharply defined crystalline growth.

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Additional matching accessories include: the Bejeweled Summoner Foot Wraps , the Diamond Dust Banded Hair , and the Arctic Light Teardrop Pendant .

** Please note: Due to the mesh, there may be cutting in some poses along the wrist or elbow, which cannot be altered. Additionally, these are styled as layerable gloves, though some nail extensions may not be compatible. Thank you. **

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