This floor length Salsa dress has a triple layered ruffley hem and 3 different neckline options, one flipped up, one flipped down and one that's asymmetrical.

This item is meant for derivation purposes only. DO NOT BUY it unless you actually want flat textured dress.

Clipping occurs at some joints in some poses.

The different necklines have slightly different mapping so they are all pictured below as the first three maps that look like 3 rectangles in this order, flipped down, flipped up, asymmetrical. The last map is for the hem layers which are all the same.

m0 = skin composite layer
m1 = dress layer
m2 = flipped down neckline
m3 = flipped up neckline
m4 = asymmetrical neckline
m5 = hem layer 1
m6 = hem layer 2
m8 = hem layer 3