NO REFUND,please try before you buy it. This amazing sounds animate sailboat has 4 small melodies of the song sail away by David Gray. You can ear it when you put your amazing toy in your lake or beach and write in the room the words "SAIL,SAIL1,SAIL2 and SAIL3" I hope you have amazing adventure in ArNoUx SailBoat. NO DEVOLUCIONES,porfavor de probar antes de comprar su maravilloso velero animado con sonidos antes de comprarlo. Usted puede escuchar la 4 melodias cortas de la cancion Sail Away del maraviloso cantande David Gray;mientras navega su nuevo juguete en su playa oh lago favorito. Debe activarlo en su cuarto cuando escriba estas palabras SAIL,SAIL1,SAIL2 and SAIL3