A beautiful treetop paradise, complete with 5 marble platforms to add your own accessories and decor to. The tree is a magnificent shade of indigo and violet, with lilacs and greenery from its branches. A white columned gazebo is in the center with a Celtic glass roof. Inside one of the branches is a secret hidden waterfall pool. The whole scene is atop the branches of a giant tree growing from a beautiful swirled ocean, with a magnificent sunset in the background. Branches of flowers and ivy drape almost every surface, while a fountain and pond set the scene for something serene. This scene would be ideal for fantasy, cosplay, fairies, pixies, witches, pagans, elves, robin hood, or a wedding. Great for an intimate evening alone with that special someone (very romantic!) or for a large crowd of your favorite friends. Lots to look at and keep you visually entertained, but not enough to distract you from a great conversation.

Sunset Serenade