In between slaying parasites with a tire iron and piloting 12 story biomechanical robots, you'll rest assured to know that our almost patented (we'll fill out the forms eventually) Glowshields will help protect you. Maybe.

You'll want to carry extra batteries with you, turns out the glow shields drain much faster than we expected when they're actually, you know... protecting you from balls of anti matter and the attacks of hundreds of conscripted post-humans. You also might want to keep an eye out for air ducts to crawl through.

If it isn't already dreadfully obvious, this was inspired between a cross of Half Life's HEV suit, the plugsuits from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and my own glowshields.

My textures are terrible, that's why you might be more interested in one of these wonderful derivations or maybe even derive your own!

Maps available here in in this mostly convenient ZIP file.
Note that one of the materials have the same mappings as the IMVU male avatar, so if you've already made another groovy product for a skin or something, this may interest you! If you know what you're doing, you can even revert it to the normal avatar skin texture and make a composite skin with it!