WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS!!! DO NOT BUY unless you want some gloves as the ones below...

These Derivable Gloves are skintight, so you can retexture them and make fine looking products like sport gloves or casual/elegant gloves to be worn with your jackets and dresses.

Comes with a wireframe and several maps you can download below so it's easier to do your glove products.

As per IMVU's Product flagging policy: Trademark Law and IMVU Developer Content - Copyright Law and IMVU Developer Content which reads:

ALSO - VERY IMPORTANT It is important that you understand a nuance of copyright violation within the IMVU system. If you Derive from a product in the catalog that is not the parent of your newly submitted product, that is copyright violation. To be more clear, Developer A builds a pair of pants and submits them to the catalog from scratch. Developer B decides to make a new texture for these pants in the Previewer. However, instead of Deriving from A's original pants in the catalog, B Derives from, say, a hairstyle that happens to be cheaper. This is copyright violation as B is, whether knowingly or not, not giving credit and/or funds to A. Please make sure you Derive from the correct product in the catalog or it is likely you will be the recipient of a DMCA takedown notice.

That only means that if you download and/or use any of the wireframes or texture maps below, you legally agree to only derive from my product. If deriving from another product and using my maps on them only means that YOUR PRODUCT WILL BE FLAGED FOR TAKEDOWN and any other actions IMVU take against you or your IMVU Account will be your sole responsibility.

So please support the hard work and efforts of IMVU Developers by abiding to these rules and only use the images below to derive solely from my product.

Click on the images to open them (and download them) to/from another window:

Alpha (Opacity) Map....................Wireframe....................Reference Wireframe....................Colored Texture Map

And yes you can set your derivations as "Derivable", since it's in the IMVU Developer agreement that ALL IMVU Developers sign when becoming Devs.

Products by Clair De Lune

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