The only real vampire bat is red-brown and lives in South America ( there is no Transylvanian counterpart, that is Hollywood! ) it's mostly known for feeding on livestock, has a numbing agent in it's saliva so the prey often does not notice the bite until later. It generally takes only what it needs and leaves it's food alive. They are communal creatures, very affectionate, love to groom each other and cluster together. They expel the finest fertilizer in the world (guano). In honor of this amazing little blood-drinker I present the ^VXV^ Vampwing Hair for your approval. Wear it with pride! Support vampire rights! PROMOTION: If i see my banner on your page, and my stuff in your wish list you could find a surprise gift in your messages! >>>>>>>See all my Gothic Fantasy products here! VXVampirekiss products (For use in forums and groups) [url=][img][/img][/url]