Have a strong sixth sense? See ghosts and death everywhere? Then you may as well look the part! Now with Mayu's outfit your sixth sense is doubled! Weather that is good or bad all depends on where you are...

Comming soon Mayu shoes complete with bandaged leg AND Mio Mayus twin sister!

Mayu is the older twin sister of Mio. She has a very strong sixth sense. Do to her injury, Mayu can't walk very fast, and always walks with a limp. When Mio & Mayu were littled Mio playfully ran away from Mayu in the forest. Mayu, trying to keep up, slid and fell, resulting in a permanent limp to her right leg. Mayu's worst fear is being left behind by her sister. When her and Mio are visiting their secret place in the forest, she spots a crimson butterfly and chases after it.

Deciding the color was the toughest thing since every picture with her in it slighly changes due to the night atmosphere. After variouse shades of brown though this one worked best to keep the creepy feeling! X3

Requested by CutePureEvil4ever