For male and female avatars.

This is the pose pack for my Dev. HD Video Camera and derives:

It will not remove clothing, and features poses for pointing the camera in
5 main directions, plus diagonal, "mid" points, plus combinations.

The base directions are forward, left, right, up, and down, up left, up right, down left,
down right
, and mid points of all.

Each pose has a regular version that only affects the upper body,
a "standing" version that affects the full body, and a "kneeling" version,
plus 3 "arms only" variants that only affect the avatar's
arms, head, and neck.

Triggers are the first letter of the pose type and direction(s) you want to point the
camera in.

Regular poses start with "l" for "Look". For example, "lf" stands for
"Look Forward" "ld' is Look Down, etc. Adding "m" to the end gives
you the "Mid" pose between 2 main ones. For example, "lrm" is
"Look Right Mid" and points the camera at the middle point
between the look right and look forward poses.

Replace "l" at the front with "s" for standing poses and "k" for kneeling
poses. Add "0" (zero) to the end to make the pose loop endlessly.

3 of the regular "Look" poses are "arms only". They are "lfao", "luao", and "lumao".

All poses flow into one another relatively smoothly, so you can use one after another.

Enjoy!!! ^_^