ATTENTION this is not a room but an item to put in a room. The picture i show is how it looks in a room. You need a room with plenty of space.

How do you play the game? With two persons!

You start the room and put your avatar on nr 1. The dices appaear.

You click than on the spot (your mousecursor change in a hand on the right place).

You change the position of your avatar on the right spot and do what you can read.

Each time you will clic on the green arrow the dice will reload randomly and display the same result for every body.

Take yout time and wait small amoint of time between every click;

You can play for complete turns of for time.

At a moment you have to decide what the winner gets. You are free in your choice but playing for something is always nicer.

Enjoy, suggestions you always can mail to me.

See also my other products and the lovely outfit that Dafne wears on the pics.