Phoxxiesoft proudly presents, in joint efforts with Fluff`n`Puff LLC, the AJEE-1182 Mobilized Personal Computer! Featuring the latest technology has to offer in portable computing, head mounted displays, surreal audio, modern gaming, and ergonomics (with appropriate, inappropriately overpriced upgrades, sold seperately).

Hardware Features:
8.2 Ghz Plushtech 7975 Processor with 'Love ME NOW.' technology
2x SnuggleMax 12345 3D Accelerator video adaptors with HuggleShading 4.0, DirectKiss 11.5 compliancy, and Soft Loogie Interleve in tandem.
AudioBlammo 28 channel sound adaptor with XAE 4.7 compliancy and 256-bit audio depth.

Human Interface:
"BrainSense" (TM) thought controlled pointing device
200 key wrist mounted keyboard, thoughtfully oriented in Right-Handed Dvorak
16500x10800 pixel resolution head mounted display, with an active response rate of 2 milliseconds, angled at 40 degrees wide from center in all directions to emulate a screen of 16 by 10 miles in size.

Buy one today! SRP will be 180,346.2 million Credits, but now going for an exceptional promotion price of 350 Credits! (*After rebate, **Tax and retail markup not included.)