DON'T BUY. FOR CREATOR ONLY synchronic dance series:
this product uses UGLY TEXTURE its unfinished product and not the same with the one on video. if u want to buy a finish and nice stuff derived from this item u can simply CLICK HERE. if u want to derive from this product scroll down to the bottom for clear instructions especially how to create particle texture.  

derivation note:
1. to create a nice particle texture using Photoshop only simply follow easy steps below:
- create new file size 512 x 512 with black background
- create new layer.
- choose brush with 25 - 50 pixel and put in the center.
- right click on layer panel and choose blending option
- check on outer glow, choose white color
- on spread choose 5 - 10, on size choose 50 - 100 done click ok.
- hide black background, file - save for web and device
- choose png24 and save the name as 64.png
- save file under your chkn asset folder on imvu project folder
- apply changes and u will see the result.
2. if u dont want particle effect simply create full transparent png file. choose 0% opacity, save as 64.png and save on chkn asset folder. 
3. feel free to use my video and images
4. feel free to set ur version derivable.

©2007 - 2011 sam4fun4ever