4u Blue Moon Fun Park
I did this scene at the request of a dear friend. Its the IMVU gator park retextured in my blue neon's. There are 3 water slides that your avi can actually ride and slide on fully animated and a Tarzan swing that lets you fall into the water. Its a fun scene, big pool with furniture nodes on top for floats and poses and numerous standing spots dotted around the scene.

This product is part of my FunPack

Blue Moon Fun Park Outdoor water park scene with animated waterslide rides, Tarzan swings and pool 4u Blue Moon Fun Park
4u Midnight Bali Resort Midnight Bali Resort Large pool room with inbuilt animated dancing, swimming and bbq area with many seats.
4u Space Car Ride 4u BlueMoon FunPark Raft 4u SeeSaw Ride In Blue 4u PinkyLand Unicycle Aqulivus Pool Furniture
Space Car Ride FunPark Raft SeeSaw Ride Unicycle Pool Furniture
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