This is a really awesome accessory if you are a Monster Hunter or Vampire Slayer. Introducing the MeshaCo Holy Water Hand Grenade. ~smiles~ This item when loaded from your inventory will nestle itself on your lower back on the left side, ready to be grabbed when needed. Just trigger "PREP" to draw it and place it in your hand, then either "TOSS" to throw it about 20 feet away..... or "DROP" to have it land at your feet (In case a Vampire or some other Undead thing has pounced you). Once used, the Holy Water grenade begins to spray a very long running mist of holy water around it. Very handy! Please Try Before You Buy, and if you choose to purchase, come back and leave a review at the bottom of this page. Your reviews help my ratings as a Developer in IMVU. Thank you for shopping.

2K11P169 Holy Water Grenade EXMP