Mickey Rat is a rodent and nothing more...but dont tell him that, way back in the past, Mickey entertained at a couple of children birthday parties (o.O) and was paid for it! :O So now he thinks except for "lack" of a couple of breaks, he would have been bigger than (though how he could with zero talent is anybody's guess; BTW he has a mad crush on Minnie Mouse, whom doesn't even know he exists)(Mickey Rat is an unisex item, hes as well as shes can use this him) THIS WORK OF ANIMATED GENIUS COMES FROM [MaxSMoke777] IT IS THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN OF ITS TYPE, SO OF COURSE I HAD TO TWEAK IT BY GIVING IT A VOICE; HOPE YOU LIKE IT, TRY B4 U BUY & ENJOY...THE TRIGGERS ARE "AVATAR TRIGGERS" NOT ROOM SO LISTING THEM WILL BE REDUNDANT :P but he has a lot to say, so check him out ) (this a general version, there is an AP version called (The Great Mickey Rat ap) PS. if you don't see him in your furniture or items try the mens section 50 credit reduction