Epilogue: " And I say to each and everyone one of, love your neighbors but hate your enemies. Protect those who you love, and defend against the clutches of those who try to steal them away from you. You have only one life, one chance, so make the best it. "

Er.. ahem, anyway...

This... is one of the finest shields I have ever made; it's my second so far but still, it is very beautiful if I do say so myself. The name of the shield translate into English as "Blue Moon Shield". My Arabic is poor so shoot me for those who point and laugh. I'll learn it one day I promise. Anyway, the price may be higher than most shields but it is not outrageously so, especially with the hard work and such I placed into it.

RP Buff: The triple crescent moons and stars will protect you from your oppressors and help you remain calm and cool in fights (and even if it doesn't it makes one beautiful addition to your pieces). Protect yourself against the attacks of water, ice, light, dark , mental, and lunar attacks!

Say hold to guard yourself and say bash to smack away a person close by. (Note: Commands are case sensitive)

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