BUYER BEWARE!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT ITS FOR DERIVATION ONLY!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT! Easy texture - all tiles are straight forward and use a square tile can be anywhere between 4x4 to 512x512. I recommend keeping your textures a small file size [between 1kbs - 30 kbs] so the client runs most efficiently. Thanks for your interest in my derivable products. ............... NOTE:Due to confusion with regards to the requests I was offering, I will no longer be accepting requests. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. ..................... DEVELOPERS:PLEASE REMEMBER TO DERIVE YOUR PRODUCT FROM THE ORIGINAL MESH. SOME PEOPLE HAVE BEEN LEAVING/MAKING THEIR DERIVED VERSIONS DERIVABLE AND ITS NOT FAIR TO YOU! IT COSTS YOU MORE TO DERIVE IT - SO DONT FALL FOR IT. ................................. DEVELOPERS:Please do not leave or make your derived version of my product derivable. Thank you.
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