Flash player has been disabled on all browser and this sticker is made with flash technology so it won't be visible.
To view it properly be sure to enable flash player on your browser (if it's still available).
Alternatively I suggest you to buy static stickers not labeled with "interactive"

Or try these static stickers

The label "Flash sticker by Marilena" appears only when your page
is set to "edit mode". Please don't forget to leave a review.

Move mouse over the sticker and it will start follow your mouse
when mouse is out of the sticker it will come back to its original position.
Choose your favorite or collect them all:

Interactive Bang Interactive Crunch Interactive Huh?! Interactive Ouch! Interactive "!!!!" Interactive Vrooooom
bang crunch huh?! ouch! !!!! vroooom

IMVU Credits at fantastic rates!

the images used to describe the products are property of Marilena, all rights reserved.
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