Vampyre Cuddle Rug
This cuddle rug is part of the Vampyre Penthouse collection.

This rug is textured with: black velvet and red silk chiffon.
It feaures two animated posing spots with lovely hug and slow movements.
Perfect for a romantic night for 2 *smiles*

I hope you enjoy!

Vampyre Penthouse Bundle:

Vampyre Penthouse Bundle

Other pieces included in the Vampyre Penthouse Collection
(including the Vampyre Penthouse):

Vampyre Penthouse Vampyre Fireplace Vampyre Lamp Vampyre Chiffon Bed

Vampyre Savant Lamp Vampyre Living Set Vampyre Lovers Chair Vampyre Pool Posers Vampyre Pool Playa

Thank you for purchasing or gifting any of my products!
I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed designing them!
Please leave a review for this product after you have purchased it! Thank you
~Until the Night, Be well~

©2007 Designs by Lady AriannaRose