(Unless you really want the boots in the picture!)

Creators: these boots use the special reflective Deliverance Snakeskin material that I developed for my dresses. This material appears to reflect the light from the room, so its appearance changes according to ambient lighting and viewing angle. Since this material is inherently different from normal materials, please be sure to read this product page before you derive!

As you can see, this product has 3 materials:

Material 00 is a special texture that combines with the mesh geometry to create the reflective effect. You can change it for different effects, but in my experience it's not easy to adjust and so initially you may want to leave 'the shine' as it is, and change the other textures.

Material 01 is a normal texture that corresponds to the non-reflective parts of this boot, such as the sole, heel and ring detail around the top.

Material 02 is the texture that corresponds to the main part of the boot. It's important to understand that shininess of the boot will shine through this texture. In other words, if you place a leopard skin texture here, the shine effect from Material 00 will still be seen - giving the effect of shiny leopard skin.
For the shininess to be visible, you must have Blending activated for this material. Please note that the best effect is acheived with the Blending Mode set to 'Additive' (instead of the more usual 'Composite'). The reason for this setting is that the additivite mode 'adds' the brightness of your Material 02 to the underlying brightness of Material 00 (i.e. the shiny material) and so neither texture is dimmed or faded by the blending. While Additive is better for bright textures, please do try Composite too if you are looking for a more muted effect.
Finally, note that Material 02 is the only one with an opacity map, but this has little effect in 'Additive' mode.


Here are the relevant maps:

Many thanks for considering deriving from this product, and good luck!