This Tangerine Dream bubblegum is... ANIMATED with SOUND! For those of you can't get enough bubblegum ... popping bubbles and enjoying the chewing you can here on IMVU too!


Three animations with sounds. The trigger words are:

pfff : Blows a bubble and deflates again,

pop: Blows a bubble and POPS, disappearing into thin air,

gum: Blows a bubble and POPS, leaving a sticky mess on your avatar's face!


Available Individually:

Animated Tangerine Dream Bubblegum Animated Lemon Burst Bubblegum Animated Blueberry Bubblegum Animated Lime Bubblegum Animated Gothic Dream Bubblegum

Or you can save credits getting all five in a bundle:

Animated Bubblegum Bundle (ALL FIVE!!!)

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