On March 2008 I made a change to the Opacity map in this product, so the lower part of it is withing IMVU's Minimum Coverage Policies requirements.

As a result, if you have derived this product from me and the lower part of your product looks "weird" in any way, you will need to retexture it and expand the coverage of the dorsal pelvic area of your texture.

Thanks for your support on this, and I am sorry for any inconveniences. This is done to keep my product withing the General Audience Rating requirements, and avoid having it (and all its derivations) moved to an Access Pass Only Rating.

WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS!!! DO NOT BUY unless you want a purple bikini...

With this derivable bikini you get the trimmed waist mesh, the top and the bottom parts all as a single product. I included with this derivable product an Opacity Map, so you don't have to spend hours of your time and patience doing one in order to have a nice bikini. Just make a nice texture image that measures 256x512 pixels, upload it to the Previewer, and that's it, as easy as pie :D

The Opacity Map of this product complies with the MINIMUM COVERAGE specifications on the IMVU Virtual Goods Rating Policy.

And yes you can set your derivations as "Derivable", since it's in the IMVU Developer agreement that ALL IMVU Developers sign when becoming Devs.

Products by Clair De Lune

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